DYCOMP - ECCCS – 3 2024

Modal analysis of a laminate panel with 10 mm notch focused on the effect of a functionally oriented fabric layup with 10 mm wide carbon strips

  • Zbončák, Radek (VÚTS, a.s.)

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Functionally oriented fabric (FOF) is a woven textile with the irregularly distributed secondary material strips in both warp and weft directions. Strips locally improve mechanical properties of a laminate, especially around an opening. Major material is a low-cost glass fiber roving and minor material is a high mechanical properties roving, such as carbon fiber. The subject of this work is to analyze the effect of different FOF laminate layups on natural frequencies of the laminate with a notch. The layups of analyzed laminate panels are [0°/90°]s, [0°/45°]s and [0°/30°/60°]s. The width and span of strips are 10 mm and there is a 10 mm hole (a notch) in the center of the 100×200 mm panel. The benefit of a functionally oriented fabric structure is in increased natural frequency for 0/90 layup about 10 % for bending modes, about 5 % and 14 % for twisting and bending modes respectively for 0/30/60 layup and 18 % and 26 % for twisting and bending modes respectively for 0/45 layup. The increase of natural frequencies prevents low operating frequency mechanisms and ma-chines to reach the resonance. The functional material strips around a structural opening (hole) helps to stiffen the opening edge without adding extra layers, which reduces the mass of a laminate. The FOF has a potential to prevent the resonance of a mechanical joins too, which can extend the joins’ lifespan.