DYCOMP - ECCCS – 3 2024

Technical Programme

DyComp 2024
Programme Overview
TIME Day 1 - Tuesday, 3 September
08:15 - 09:00 Registration
09:10 - 09:30 Opening ceremony
09:30 – 10:30 Plenary Lecture:
A Look Inside - The Journey towards X-ray instrumented Car Crash

Michael May (Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Germany)
10:30 – 10:50 Coffee Break
Industrial Applications in Transport (Cars, Trains, Ships, Airplanes) and Defense
Chaired by Frédéric Lachaud and Denis Dalli
10:50 – 11:10 Damage modelling of woven carbon fiber and epoxy matrix composite sandwiches under impact loadings
F. Lachaud, M. Rigantti, P. Simarro, J. Jezegou
11:10 – 11:30 Multifunctional shape memory alloy tufted composite joints with enhanced structural performance and damage detection capabilities
W. Khor, F. Ciampa, M. Cinefra
11:30 – 11:50 Experimental and numerical assessment of hybrid composite crash structures offering increased sustainability
D. Dalli, A. Arteiro
11:50 – 12:10 CFRPs as transmission problem in waveguides
R. Racke
12:10 – 12:30 Experimental Study on the Influence of Defects from Automated Fibre Placement under Varying Strain Rates
S. Yoo, M. Vinot, D. Deden, R. Glück, N. Toso, H. Voggenreiter
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
Chaired by Jesus Pernas-Sanchez and Daniele Fanteria
13:30 – 13:50 On the high velocity impact of composite fragments against a Hopkinson Bar: experimental and numerial study
J. Rodríguez-Sereno, J. Pernas-Sanchez, J. Artero-Guerrero, J. López-Puente
13:50 – 14:10 Efficient modelling of dynamic delamination growth using large and distorted elements
P. Daniel, J. Främby, M. Fagerström, P. Maimí
14:10 – 14:30 Assessment of advanced modeling strategies for FE analysis of impacts on CFRP aerospace structures
D. Fanteria, S. Sanvenero
14:30 – 14:50 Temporal and Spatial Coupling Methods for Wave Propagation in Metamaterials
K. Chan, N. Bombace, I. Sahu, S. Falco, N. Petrinic
14:50 – 15:10 Is it Damage, Plasticity, Rate Dependence or all of the Above? Characterising and Modelling the Non-Linear Behaviours of 3D-Fabric Reinforced Composites
C. Oddy, F. Panteri, A. Kullerstedt, S. Saseendran
15:10 - 15:30 Coffee Break
TECHNICAL SESSION: High Strain Rate Testing and Analysis of Composite Materials
Chaired by Julien Berthe and Jose Alfonso Artero-Guerrero
15:30 – 15:50 Monitoring the response of composites under pure Mode II dynamic loading by means of IR Thermography
G. Pitarresi, R. Cappello, T. Scalici, G. Catalanotti
15:50 – 16:10 In-Situ damage inception of composite under dynamic loadings
J. Rodríguez-Sereno, J. Pernas Sánchez, J. Artero-Guerrero, J. López-Puente, A. Vaz-Romero, F. Naya, D. Varas, A. Cohen, b. Lukic, A. Rack, D. Levi-Hevroni
16:10 – 16:30 Temperature increase evaluation and analysis during high velocity impact tests on carbon/epoxy laminates
J. Berthe, G. Portemont, A. Peroche
16:30 – 16:50 Compressive strain-rate sensitivity of the off-axis stress/strain behaviour of a novel UD carbon fibre-reinforced thermoplastic for aeronautical applications
P. Silva Campos, D. Dalli, I. Rodrigues Lopes, A. Arteiro
16:50 – 17:10 An Investigation into the Combined Effect of Strain Rate and Temperature on the In-Plane Shear Response of IM7/8552
P. Hahn, M. Imbert, M. May
DyComp 2024
Programme Overview
TIME Day 2- Wednesday, 4 September
9:30 - 10:30 Plenary Lecture:
Vulnerability of Aircraft Composite Structures – Overview and Challenges

Jacques Vincent (Dassault Aviation, France)
10:30 - 10:50 Coffee Break
Chaired by Alex Fernández Chamorro and Ivan Ruiz Cozar
10:50 - 11:10 Prediction of impact damage and post-impact residual load-bearing capacity of NCF CFRP components
A. Cherniaev, M. Kazemian
11:10 - 11:30 Modal analysis of a laminate panel with 10 mm notch focused on the effect of a functionally oriented fabric layup with 10 mm wide carbon strips
R. Zbončák
11:30 – 11:50 Understanding the failure envelope of glass fiber at different strain rates: Strength and Toughness studies
P. Villarroel, A. Cimadevilla, J. Rodríguez-Sereno, J. Pernas-Sánchez, J. Artero-Guerrero, J. Lopez Puente, E. Lorenzo, N. Colmenarejo, E. Sola-Casado
11:50 – 12:10 Parametric stability analyses of composite reinforced structures
Matteo Filippi , Rodolfo Azzara and Erasmo Carrera
12:10 – 12:30 A novel 3D constitutive model to predict the dynamic effects of fibre-reinforced polymer laminates
I. Cózar, P. Maimí, E. González, P. Camanho, F. Otero
12:30 – 12:50 Numerical Simulation of 3D Printed Continuous Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Structures Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact
A. Fernández, D. Trias, N. Blanco, D. Rico, N. Gascons
12:50 – 13:50 Lunch
Organized by Valentina Lopresto, Fulvio Romano
13:50 – 13:55 Introduction to the Session
V. Lopresto, F. Romano
13:55 – 14:10 On the crashworthiness in aerospace field: numerical and experimental capability of CIRA
F. Di Caprio, M. Ignarra, F. Romano
14:10 – 14:25 Novel structural architectures to improve the damage tolerance of wing leading edge under bird strike condition.
F. Di Caprio, M. Belardo
14:25 – 14:40 Processing and low velocity impact behavior of innovative composites
V. Antonucci, M.R. Ricciardi, I. Papa, A. Langella, V. Lopresto
14:40 – 14:55 Traditional and Innovative Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites: Characterization, Damage Inspection and Application
l. Papa, V. Lopresto
14:55 – 15:10 Experimental Study on Crashworthiness of CFRP Curved Structure
I. Papa, M.R. Ricciardi, V. Antonucci, V. Lopresto
15:10 – 15:25 Open Discussion
15:25 - 15:40 Coffee Break
15:40 – 15:55 Passive Safety Improvements in Aircrafts by Innovative Energy Absorbing Devices Designed for Additive Manufacturing
A. Garofano, M. Battaglia, V. Acanfora, A. Riccio
15:55 – 16:05 An Innovative Approach to Enhancing Wing Resistance to Bird Strikes through Advanced Structural Design based on Additive Manufacturing
V. Acanfora, M. Battaglia, A. Garofano, A. Riccio
16:05 – 16:20 Life cycle assessment and mechanical properties investigation of FDMed PLA reinforced with short hemp fibers and basalt powders
E. Cozzolino, A. Astarita, V. Lopresto, F. Napolitano, P. Russo, I. Papa
16:20 – 16:35 Possible Solutions for the Application of Flax Fibre Reinforced Composites in the Automotive Sector: an Overview
V. Giammaria, G. Del Bianco, M. Capretti, S. Boria
16:35 – 16:50 Open Discussion
DyComp 2024
Programme Overview
TIME Day 3 - Thursday, 5 September
09:30 – 09:50 A Preliminary Experimental Evaluation of Energy Absorption Capabilities of BCC and W-BCC Lattice Structures Manufactured via 3D Printing
G. Iacolino, G. Catalanotti, E. Gonzalez, A. Alaimo
09:50 – 10:10 Using of the pre-notched composite plates in the delamination tests at low impact velocity
A. Rotariu, F. Bucur, F. Dirloman, A. Malciu, A. Spoiala
10:10 – 10:30 Polyurea-based coatings with Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes: A dynamic regime study
F. Dîrloman, G. Toader, A. Diacon, A. Rotariu
10:30 – 10:50 Coffee Break
Chaired by Christophe Bouvet and José Manuel Guerrero García
10:50 – 11:10 Evaluation and analysis of Compact Tension test on CFRP materials
R. Rutar, C. Bouvet, J. Serra
11:10 – 11:30 Experimental Testing and Numerical Simulation of Filled Hole Tension and Compression Carbon Specimens Under Dynamic Loading
J. Guerrero, I. Ruiz Cózar, E. González, J. Artero, A. Cimadevilla, E. De Blanpre, V. Jacques
11:30 – 11:50 Enhancing the crashworthiness in thin-walled filament-wound tubes
T. Scalici, D. Tumino, A. Alaimo, G. Catalanotti
11:50 – 12:10 Experimental Characterisation of Impact-Resistant Thermoplastic Composite Joints using Metallic 3D-Reinforcements
N. Breuer, S. Heimbs, M. Bartelt
12:10 – 12:30 Mechanical Response of Composite Laminates Under Dynamic Load Conditions: Effect of Material Properties and Manufacturing Processing
M. Chairi, G. Di Bella, F. Salmeri
12:30 – 12:50 Unbiased Segment-to-Segment Frictional Contact Algorithms for Surfaces with various Discretisation Topologies
I. Sahu, N. Petrinic
12:50 – 13:50 Lunch