DYCOMP - ECCCS – 3 2024

Evaluation and analysis of Compact Tension test on CFRP materials

  • Rutar, Romain (Institut Clément Ader)
  • Bouvet, Christophe (Institut Clément Ader)
  • Serra, Joël (Institut Clément Ader)

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Efficient and accurate failure modeling of composite materials is crucial due to their extensive use in the industry. Specifically, simulating translaminar failure, such as in Compact Tension (CT) tests using Finite Element Analysis (FEA), has proven to be particularly challenging [1-3]. This study applies the mesoscale Finite Element Discrete Ply Model (DPM) [4] to unidirectional carbon fiber CT tests. The stacking sequence employed is [45/-45/(0/90)4]S. This configuration offers significant experimental advantages, such as preventing specimen buckling and reducing matrix plasticity. However, it also presents a complex combination of failure modes, including extensive delamination during crack propagation, which leads to inaccurate computation of the strain energy release rate. Consequently, new analysis methods are needed [3]. In the DPM, matrix cracking and delamination are explicitly represented. Failure modes such as fiber failure in tension/compression, shear damage, and crushing are modeled within the behavior volume elements [4]. A new law is proposed that accounts for the increase in compressive failure strain when planar or out-of-plane strain gradients are present, which is essential for the accurate computation of the failure scenario. This approach demonstrates significant numerical and experimental correlation for both the force-displacement curves and the strain energy release rate (GIC) computed using the compliance method. To address the complex CT failure scenario, the model estimates the energy dissipated by each failure mode, including delamination, matrix cracking, and fiber failure. A numerical R-curve is also computed directly from these energies, facilitating the discussion of different methods for computing R-curves, both numerically and experimentally. Ultimately, the R-curve effect, which shows an increase in GIC with crack length, is shown to be related to the damage zone height, demonstrating that this effect is structural rather than material.